Friday, May 9, 2008

Blogging questions......

When I started my blog I decided to be vague about where I lived because I wanted to be able to post pictures of my kids. I thought it would be safer if I am putting their faces out there to not also give their names and location.

Now I find that there are a lot of things that I would like to blog about, but they would give away my location. So my question is, am I being paranoid?

Both of my parents were police officers. My Dad was a career policeman. My Mom was a civilian police department employee and then a policewoman for a couple years and quit when I was born. My Mother's Father was a criminal defense attorney. I am telling you this because it explains that I was raised to be suspicious, to be aware of my surroundings and recognize the possible repercussions from my actions. Therefore, I usually think things through before doing them. Now, I'm not saying that I didn't spend some time in college, oh hell let's be honest high school too, being totally irresponsible and reckless. But that is a whole series of other posts.

So, I am usually a cautious, observant and deliberate person. Unless, of course I am drinking heavily. But again, I digress. My question is am I being too cautious? I am totally stifling my blogging creativity with this being careful business. Am I being too careful? Usually I feel like you can never be too careful. I always tell myself I don't want to be in the position of saying "Oh, if only I would have...."

Now that I think about it, I also wanted to be vague in case I wanted to vent about any personal issues and not have it come back to me. Just in case I wanted to complain how much my sister drives me crazy or my friend has disappointed me. But so far I have not used my blog for that. I kind of decided that was too risky. If someone I know just happens to stumble across my blog and has any question that it is me, once they see the pictures of my kids they'll know for sure.

I have managed to not tell anyone about my blog except for my BFF and my husband. And my BFF's husband knows too. So I still have some anonymity for now. Should I keep it or let loose a little? What is your opinion?


Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I go back and forth on this clearly I can't help you.

Multislacking Mama said...

Let it go, woman! Especially if we can all benefit from reading about it :o)


Anonymous said...

I guess it depends on how big a town you live in. Ex Chicago... what's the possibility of someone tracking you down there. Pretty slim... but if you live in Podunk, Midwest USA you could be found easily.

Anonymous said...

Good question... I kind of waffle on this, too... I do talk about where I live, but without actually naming a town. Actually, now that I think about it, I may have mentioned that... My kids names are out there, but not our last name or my husband's name. For me, that's really enough. But, I guess it can't hurt to be too cautious... No help at all! Sorry!

k e r r y said...

I liked when my blog was a secret... but the fact that i had a blog got me my job that I have now and my boss was curious and found my blog. Now I feel I am somewhat reserved with my posts. I try not to say bad words or be too negative because it's not the person I want my boss to know. I started another blog that is invite only and so far i am the only one who can read it. I vent on that one... although I've only posted 3 times so far on it... i guess I don't have as much to vent about as i thought i did.

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I guess it never occurred to me that anyone might want to track me down. Everyone knows my real name and that I live in Cincinnati and that my kids are Jake and Lily. I wouldn't put my real address out there or phone number, but I suppose someone who really wanted to find me could.

Of course I don't really show my kids or talk about them much, and I rarely discuss personal issues happening in my life, so maybe my situation is different.

Still, I can't imagine anyone is going to take that much of an interest in me or my family to go to the trouble! I'm always surprised when someone takes the time to even click onto my blog, let alone stalk me in person. Ha. -Julia :-)

YeahYeah said...

I don't think it's horrible to post pictures of your kids or to mention the town you live in. Have you read Dooce's latest letter to her daughter? Where she points out that her daughter's picture and information online is no worse really than if she were to take her daughter to the grocery store in town and some psycho could follow them home.... she has a point. I think it's the people you live around that you'd need to worry about, not the people online. Anyway, here is a link to that post if you'd like to read it.