Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gimpy Arm

I went to a baby shower tonight for one of the girls in my bunco group. Another girl in the group is a physical therapist. So since my freaking shoulder still hurts I asked her what she thought.

I was getting a lot of grief because nobody understands why I wouldn't have just gone to the doctor by now. It's been 11 days since I fell and I just figured I'd give it a good two weeks before I decided that it was worthy of a call to the doctor.

The PT said I needed to do something because if it was hurting anytime I used it there is something wrong. We're thinking it's my rotator cuff in my shoulder. She said it might not necessarily be torn, but could be just inflamed. But since I'm walking around favoring it and trying not to use it because it hurts she said I could wind up with it frozen if I don't get it taken care of.

So I swear, Monday morning I am going to call the doctor. Unless, you know on Sunday it seems like it's getting better on it's own......

One of the gals offered to do that move that Mr. Miyagi does in Karate Kid when slaps his hands together and warms them up and pops the kid's shoulder back in place. Yeah, I stayed away from her the rest of the night.....


Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Nice. Wait until Monday? Jeesh! But then again I am a hypochondriac!

Preppy Lizard said...

My husband hurt his shoulder when he fell snowboarding in early Feb. He thought it was his rotator cuff as well. He just went to the dr. 2 weeks ago and thank goodness it is just a very strained muscle in his shoulder and he is doing physical therapy twice a week.
I hope it is just a strain or deep bruise for you as well. But make sure to get it checked out b/c his dr. told him w/o the physical therapy it could eventually turn into something more serious.

Mom O Matic said...

Can you go to the back cracker?

Mom O Matic said...

So how's your arm???

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

WHERE ARE YOU???? How is your arm? Did you go to the doctor today???

workinthatpreppy said...

you are my orthopedic surgeon husband's dream. you are so tough! soo glad it got better...