Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sick day

My son is sick today. He came home from school feeling yucky on Monday. He laid down and took a nap when he got home from school and felt better. So we sent him to school on Tuesday. Tuesday night is a busy one for us. My son goes to the public school every Tuesday night to get speech therapy and occupational therapy.

Spring brings sports around here. So after time at the public school, my son gets whisked over to a neighborhood high school for track. His track practice overlaps with my daughter's t-ball, which my husband coaches. So midway through track practice, my husband and daughter leave and head over to the baseball fields. After track my son and I head over there too. So it's a busy couple hours of running around the neighborhood from activity to activity. And it was hot last night, very sunny. I got a sunburn on my large lily white forehead.

My son did pretty well at track last night. When they run all the way around the track a lot of the kids start dropping by the way side. But not my boy. He's like Forrest Gump once he gets going. He was runnnnninnnng......

He does not quit running and when another boy looked like he might be catching up towards the end my son somehow sprinted and beat him. Now I'm not saying he is the fastest. I think there was another first grade boy that beat him. And older kids were faster too. But we are just impressed with the fact that he is somewhat competitive at this. Because usually he is just not competitive at anything. He got that from me. It drives his father crazy.

He came in our room in the middle of the night with a fever of 102. So now we are really impressed with the fact that he did so well at track last night when obviously he did not feel very well. Really he does not like to miss anything. He is still asleep this morning and I'm sure when he wakes up he is going to be mad. Because you see, until today he had a PERFECT ATTENDANCE record!!!! He never missed a single day of kindergarten and had not missed a single day of first grade. Even when he had eye surgery. He managed to not miss school because they had snow days then.

I feel really bad for him. He made it all the way to April 23rd without a sick day. I mean he only has like 25 days of school left. It sucks to make it this far and then get sick. Oh well, I guess there are worse things in life. I'm not looking forward to the homework coming home. I've heard that when they are sick a ton of paperwork comes home for them to complete. That is going to be real fun.


Muffy Willowbrook said...

Poor Kid! I hope he's feeling better soon.

Preppy Lizard said...

I hope he feels better soon!!!
Sounds like track is his thing. I am impressed b/c running to me would be a form of torture!!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Poor thing. Can't believe he did that running while sick. He's a trooper! I don't even want to walk much less run when I'm well!

Lamp Tramp said...

Way to go, Little Man, no sick days until your Mama makes you stay home! Not your fault, buddy, blame it in your Mommie, she can handle it. Stay the course, man, no sick days, staight A's, then we can all read about you!