Saturday, February 9, 2008

Daughter is sick

I just got back from the pediatrician's office with daughter. She has an ear infection. Damn, I thought they grew out of those things by now. A couple of years ago she got them all of the time. So when she presented with the symptoms I knew it was infected.

I thought of "Mama Fidel" this morning because she had a post the other day where she said she was going to take her daughter to the doctor. She said "her breath is smelly and my friend CVO said her ear smells infected (ha ha, yes she's a nut, too)".........

I left her a comment on that post stating that I wish I had a friend that could smell infections. Because that could come in really handy.

I could have used that friend this morning. It would have saved me a trip to the pediatrician's office and ten bucks. I could have just called and said that my friend could smell the infection and they should just call in a prescription. I wonder how that would go over.

I have a silly story about the fish fry at school last night that I'll get to later.


Jennifer said...

I hope your daughter feels better soon. I'm nearly 34 and I still get ear infections and they do freaking hurt.

tulipmom said...

Ouch. I hope the antibiotic kicks in soon.

so tired said...

She is feeling much better. In fact a few shots of that antibiotic and she was feeling better pretty fast.

I thought I remembered something about at a certain age their tubes in their ears mature or whatever and they are less susceptible to infections.....