Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's all over......

Last night we attended our annual school auction for my son's catholic school. It is the major fund raiser for the school. They count on drumming up enough cash that they do not have to do all the other crappy little fund raisers throughout the year, like selling wrapping paper or pizzas or stuff like that.

This year I was on the basket committee. It was basically my Bunco group that was the basket committee. The gal that is kind of the lead Bunco gal somehow was volunteered to head the basket committee so she asked all of us to help. We all picked a theme basket to make. And then we shopped for bargains to create these baskets. Parishioners also donated random things and we tried to put them together to make up baskets. With all these different themes in mind we could keep an eye out for things for each other while shopping for our bargains.

We wound up with some really nice baskets. Another lady had control over the baskets for several years and the responsibility was taken away from her. I can't say exactly why, but there are several theories. Anyway we were not really nervous, but anxious about our debut of baskets under a new regime.

All the donations and baskets were housed in the old convent by school. Since there is such a shortage of nuns the convent is not functioning as a convent anymore and the school/parish uses it for a variety of functions. All of our stuff was on the top floor. This floor basically looks like a dorm with bedrooms and a large multi person bathroom.

I had never been on this floor before and I have to say, I was hoping for some paranormal activity up there when we would meet there at night to work on the baskets. Got nothing. Sister Mary Whatsername never tried to contact me. Now, it could have been that I was talking sooo much that I couldn't hear her. She was probably saying "Woman, please shut up. I'm trying to give you all an important message and you can't shut your mouth." And now my whole Bunco group missed this important message.

So back to last night. I think the baskets were a hit. My husband and I bought one. And speaking of buying.... there were two different rounds of silent auctions, a blackboard auction, the baskets and then the oral auction. Last year my husband left all the bidding to me and beforehand I picked out some sensible things from the auction book and bid on those. This year I did not come with a plan and for some reason my husband decided he should start bidding on things.

Now we are both bidding on things in the silent auction and I'm getting a little worried. Some of the things my husband is bidding on were just things his friend was bidding on that my husband would then outbid him by $2 just to piss him off later when we won. So we came home last night with a random bunch of new crap. Just what this house needs is more crap.

Since everyone had a baby sitter when the auction was over everybody went out to a neighborhood tavern. And once I'm out, I'm out all night. My husband and I always act like we've just been let out of prison for one night and we'll never get to go out again. We have a problem leaving at an appropriate time. So at closing time we finally went home.

Needless to say I am dragging a little today. My husband promised my son that since he was so brave during his surgery that we could go out to his favorite restaurant. My son reminded him of this promise today. So we are headed to California Pizza Kitchen for an early dinner.

As much as I like a party and going out with friends, I am glad the auction is over. It seems like we have been super busy socially lately and I'm looking forward to a little break.


tulipmom said...

My son's old (private) school used to hold an annual auction like that. The first time I went with my husband was such an eye-opener. I couldn't believe how "into" the bidding he got. And we too came home with a bunch of stuff we didn't really need.

I enjoyed helping with the baskets last year. My son's class collected items for a Chocolate themed basket.

Monica said...

Sounds fun..I love doing themed baskets. Glad you got a night out, too.