Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Favors for friends

Today I was talking to one of my friends that has children at the same school that my son attends. She had mentioned that she was without a car today because she had left it at the dealership for some winterizing.

She has a 2 1/2 year old daughter in addition to the two boys at school. Yesterday we had freezing rain all day and today we had low temperatures so our streets and sidewalks are all ice. I did not want her to have to walk the couple of blocks to school with her little girl on the ice so I volunteered to grab her boys when I got my son and drive them home.

So when I went to school at pickup time I decided to walk over to a house right across the street from school where I had left my favorite pair of sunglasses the week before. I was pretty excited to get these back because my backup pair pinch my large head.

Feeling like I accomplished something I walk back over to the school lot and find some people to chit chat with. The bell rings and all the kids come piling out. A Mom of one of my son's friends yells over the crowd to me that my son couldn't find me and asked her for help. She gives me some trouble about being a good mother and I tell her how he stole some pasta from the fish fry on Friday night, blah, blah, blah.

Now as I grab my son from her I commend him on approaching her for help. Just last week I had a conversation with him about that situation. I was afraid I was going to be late to pick him up one day but I made it in time. I decided I should make sure he knew what to do if I was not there to get him. He did just what I told him to do.

So I compliment him on listening to my directions and we hop in the car and start the heater because it's really cold out today. We wait for our turn to pull out of the lot and I'm asking him about his day and I'm driving home.........


I didn't make it all the way home. I remembered and flipped a u-turn and started to call her but she was already calling me. The school office had already called her. I told her to call them back and say I was getting them because I was already back in front of school.

I can't believe I did that. I don't forget anything. And when I walked in to the school office to get the boys, the younger one looks at me and says "why didn't you watch for me." I felt like the biggest ass. I mean how hard was that to remember.

I have this image of the two boys standing out in the cold waiting, while I'm chit chatting away and walking to my warm car. Luckily my friend just laughed it off. We'll see if she trusts me again.


Anonymous said...

Cue the said Charlie Brown music..."do do do...."......

Anonymous said...

said should read "sad"....oops!