As I said, I am glad that the whole thing is over and it seems to be a success. When he first came out he was very sleepy and kept his eyes closed for quite a while. You could see through his eyelids that they were swollen though.
Before son came back to us the surgeon came to our room to tell us how it went. He said everything went well and that he actually wound up correcting both eyes. We had thought that only the left eye needed correction. He told us what to expect in the next couple of days. We were anticipating that he would tell us to keep him in from any outside recess and sports. But he said he could go back to school tomorrow and resume any activities that he felt up to.
So we did not think we had any more questions for him and let him leave. Then they bring my child back to me who sleeps for a while and then starts flickering his eyes open. His eyes are bloodshot and very swollen and his left eye (the one that was turning in) is now facing all the way to the left. And I'm thinking, um what the hell happened here. Nobody said anything about him now having a huge wonk eye.
I started thinking about this child's luck and how whatever can happen, happens to him. So I am envisioning them saying they had over corrected it (which is a possibility with this surgery) and how they won't be able to do it over for three months and how he's going to have to go to school for the rest of the year with one eye looking at the wall.
I start asking my husband and the nurse if they are seeing what I am seeing and start asking a lot of questions. So the nurse decides she should page the surgeon and have him call back to the room so I could talk to him.
He eventually calls and I question the crazy eye and he says "oh, yes I should have explained that to you more clearly". Apparently he gave that eye a shot of anaesthesia that numbed the optic nerve. So that eye was just rolling wherever and settled over on the left. It has since corrected itself. THANK GOD.
Oh and he said that the eyes would probably be even more swollen tomorrow with possibly some bloody tears. I'll try to capture that on film too!
I think that watching what your son went through would be insanely stressful! It's so hard to feel like you can't be justified in your angst because the kid next door has cancer. And it does make you thank God for your blessings. But that doesn't take away from how freaking frightening it is to have your child be in the hospital.
I'm so glad he's ok!
so glad it went well. ok..was the surgeon cute? hehe actually, i hope he was more smart than cute:o)
We're so proud of your brave boy! And I'm super proud of my bff for holding her s#%& together and getting through this. I'm sure I wouldn't be as brave. I didn't earn the nickname "Drama Queen" in my family for nothing.
I'm so glad your son's surgery went well. What a trooper!
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