Friday, February 8, 2008

My first real comment!!!

I received my first real comment last night!

"queen mommy" from "From Talbots to Target" was kind enough to leave me a comment welcoming me aboard and commenting how she did the stay at home thing for a while and then preferred to go back to work.

I can understand both sides because being at home all the time is a test of patience. For me, I always say working about two days a week out of the house would be nice. I did enjoy the social aspects of working in an office; going to lunch, having adult conversations and having a task with rewards and recognition. Because you know, there isn't a whole lot of recognition at home. But I hated being trapped in an office 45 - 50 hours a week too.

I enjoy the flexibility of staying at home. I like that if school calls because my son needs something I can run up there right away. I like being able to volunteer at his school. And I like being there waiting for them when they both get out of school. I really like that if they are sick I don't have to worry about how I am going to handle work. And the casual attire is nice too.

I find myself so busy with all the crap you have to do with kids in school, I am always amazed how women that work full time get everything done. I don't know if I could do it. I mean, all the laundry, grocery shopping, homework, meals..... on top of the full time job. How are they not exhausted? And then some of these wonder women are working out too. They have their act together. Me, not so much.

Now back to "my first real comment"..... There is someone else who has commented on my big three previous posts. But that person ("bff-sahm") is my real life "bff". We refer to each other as "bff" as a joke, but we are really "best friends forever".

I decided when I started this blog spontaneously a couple days ago that I was not going to tell ANYONE, except, you know my bff. She knows everything about me, all my secrets, everything. So I trust her to read it and not be shocked by anything and still love me.

She was nice enough to comment so I didn't feel like a total loser. I did say yesterday that I was feeling a little silly because I was posting and she was the only one commenting. I mean we can do that on the damn phone.

Oh and my husband knows about the blog too. That's a given with us. I usually tell him EVERYTHING. Sometimes that is a mistake. Sometimes by bff has to tell me to keep my mouth shut and not tell him every stupid detail about something that will just piss him off and he doesn't really need to know.

He won't read it anyway. He gets the blog thing, but doesn't really get the blog thing.

It's just that I am a horrible liar. I have no poker face. If I try to lie I feel everyone can just see it on my face and read my mind that I am lying. So I tend not to try. This means sometimes I have to avoid people that might put me in the position of having to lie to them or hurt their feelings. I avoid confrontation too. Yeah, I know. I am working on it.

So thanks "queen mommy" and "bff-sahm" for the comments. It's like getting that recognition I used to get at work, only a lot more fun.


WSU Laura said...

Hello! Congrats on your 1st comment. Thank you for mine, now I need to find me that card, it sounds perfect.

PS - Your kids are darling!

Anonymous said...

YYYAAAAYYYYY!!!! I'm so very proud of my bff!!! I just know the more people that read your blog will find you as hysterical as I do. Hmmmmmm...I think I might be getting jealous...heart you!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I remember my first comment and I was shocked (none of my bff's know about my blog - that way I can talk about them! ha!) and so grateful. I started back at the end of August and was so nervous - now I feel like I've been doing it forever. It's such fun and I have an "outlet" for all the useless information I have to share, and a way to show off all the unnecessary frivilous purchases I make! ;-)

The best way to get readers and commenters is to make comments on other people's blogs and then they follow the link to your blog!

The 5 Bickies said...

I am so glad you found my blog and left a are hilarious! You also perfectly stated what I think about being a stay at home Mom. For all the negatives, I love being available to my kids and to their school activities. I like to think they are happier too, although children are so resilient I think I only say that to make myself feel better.