Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Day After

Bunco was a success. Some of those bitches didn't leave until 3:00 a.m. I think an eight hour bunco party must mean they had a good time. I know I did.

After about half the group left and there were about five or six die hards remaining, we sat at my dining room table and played that dice game where you roll the dice and have to pass your quarters (or whatever) to the left, right or put it in the center. I won twice and then when my husband came home about 1:00 a.m. he sat down and played with us and he won once. So that was looking kind of fixed, but completely honest!

The blue cheese dip and brie were both really good. I have had those both before and knew everybody would like those. The chocolate chip cheese ball was really good too. That was a new recipe so you never know. I made everything on Thursday night. You know how everything seems to taste better after all the ingredients gel together for a while. When I made the chocolate chip cheese ball mixture on Thursday night and tasted it I felt like it was just kind of bland and I was a little worried that it would be a dud. But then when I tasted it on Friday night it was great. It was like spreading chocolate chip cheesecake on a graham cracker. It was a hit.

This bunco group is made up of Moms from my son's school. Everybody has a son or daughter in either first or second grade. A couple also have an older child and most have younger ones too. Most of the younger kids attend the same preschool. So all of these kids know the other Moms.

When my daughter heard that I was having this little party and who was coming over she told me that she wanted to lock up her room and all of her High School Musical toys because she didn't want anyone to play with them. Nice sharing girl, huh?

At pickup at school yesterday, without even knowing what my daughter had said earlier, one of my friends told her that she was planning on playing her High School Musical "Sing It" game on the Wii. Well, now my daughter had that to worry about.

While giving the upstairs a once over before my guests arrived I noticed my daughter had stashed her Wii games so no one could play with them. When the ladies were all here I told them this story. So one of the gals decides to tease my daughter and writes her a note.

Dear *&%$#@,
Thank you for letting me play your High School Musical Wii game. It was a lot of fun.
Love, Mrs. B*&%$#

Being the loving Mother that I am, when I got up this morning I showed my daughter the note. I had to read it to her and you should have seen her face. She was not happy at all and started the cry/whine. I told her that Mrs. B*&%$#@ was just teasing her and that no one had touched any of her stuff.

There is a lot of teasing here. My husband and I tease. My family teases. My husband's family teases. Our family friends tease.... You get the picture. You have to be on your game around here. My son does very well with this. He takes teasing well and teases back. My daughter does..... not so well.

I hope she gets better with this. Because I'd really hate to have to get rid of her now. I've spent a lot of money on her clothes and hair bows and stuff. And had a lot of pictures taken over the last five years. I mean what would I do with all of that crap?

Oh, I almost forgot about the vodka cocktail. I made a big double batch of it and never even tasted it. A couple of the girls had it. But most of those broads were hitting the beer. And I mean hitting it hard. Lushes!

Maybe I'll post the recipes for all this tomorrow.... after I get over this headache.


tulipmom said...

"Because I'd really hate to have to get rid of her now. I've spent a lot of money on her clothes and ... stuff ... what would I do with all of that crap?"

You crack me up!

Glad to hear it went well.

Lamp Tramp said...

I laughed reading this post for many reasons. Your are so remind me of myself...a few years ago I did the Bunco thing. OHHH YEEAA! Your daughter and the Wii incident...precious! Funny about the girls hitting the bear and not the vodka cocktail. I hope you got my email. Take care!