Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break Starts Now!!!!

We have officially begun Spring Break!!!!!!!!

Like a dumbass, I always look forward to breaks from school. Like I covered in a previous post about snow days, I create a romantic idea in my head about being free of a schedule and having fun with the kids, doing whatever we want, when we want. Oh, we'll fly by the seat of our pants just doing fun stuff. No alarm clock going off or lunches to be made. No homework to do or those fun little extra projects they throw at you. Just fun, fun, fun.......

Yeah.... now I'm thinking what the hell are we going to do with ourselves that doesn't involve spending a butt load of money or any effort in craftiness on my part? I guess we could go see that Mr Horton saw my Hoo Haa movie or something like that. That will only take care of a couple hours. And my kids will expect food and drink with that. They think they get something everywhere we go. Every time we get in the car my son says "let's go to a restaurant." Now I don't know who he thinks his parents are, but we're not in the position to be dining out every day. And he means restaurant, as in with a waitress expecting a tip. This kid is too fancy for fast food.

OK, now I don't even know where I'm going with this post. I've got myself so worked up about what I'm going to do to entertain these kids for the next week. I've totally lost my focus. Boredom equals bickering around here. So I'm going to have to come up with something. I should have signed them up to do some charity work over Spring Break. Seven and five are old enough to spend a week working with Habitat for Humanity, right? I mean I would keep them in the United States. It's not like I would send them to Mexico or Honduras. But a little trip to Appalachia might be fun for them, right? Do you think their meals would be provided by Habitat for Humanity?

I wonder how fancy boy with his sweatshirt hanging over his shoulders requesting a nice restaurant meal would fare in Appalachia???


Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I hear ya sista! I had those grand delusions as well. Which is why I only stayed home for 509 days and work full time. Love them to death, but full time entertainment I am not...

Hope you have good weather!!!!

Snooty Primadona said...

I so understand what you're saying. I just found your blog & love it, so I'm adding you to my list fo daily reads.

Motherhood is a challenge, it ruins your body, deprives you of an acceptable vocabulary, not to mention sleep deprivation, and constantly tests your sanity (well, whatever sanity you have left, anyway).

Soooo... are you having fun yet? LOL!