Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I'm feeling like an old lady today. On Easter Sunday morning I fell in the shower. I was shaving my legs and had one leg all lathered up with shave gel and I dropped the razor. I was trying to avoid rinsing off my leg before I got to shave it. So I was contorting my body and trying to reach the razor and pick it up with my newly pedicured monkey toes and the foot I was balancing on slipped and I fell.

My loving husband came running in to tell me how loud of a noise I made. Like there was a good chance the bathroom floor just might go crashing down into the first floor. It was just that big of a boom. He is so sweet. After that any offer of "are you ok?" just makes me want to say "F$#% you!"......

I whacked my left wrist and bruised it and went down on my knee. Really nothing hurt too bad immediately. Sunday night when I was sitting at my Mother-in-law's dining room table my shoulder starting hurting. It took me a minute to realize why. Well, it has not stopped hurting since then.

I am waiting to see if maybe it will just stop hurting on it's own. I'm hoping that I just strained a muscle that I don't normally jerk into action like that. I was complaining to my BFF about it and she reminded me when she fell a while ago. She said her shoulder still hurts when she moves it a certain way. This old lady crap sucks. How and when did this happen to us?


tulipmom said...

Ouch! I can see myself pulling that same kind of maneuver in the shower (well, 9 months ago ... now when something drops in there, I tend to just leave it :). I hope your shoulder feels better.

The Mrs. said...

Were too young to have these old lady moments! Damn!

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Lest you forget, I did yard work all day on Saturday and couldn't move on Sunday. I am right there with ya sista!!!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

Holy Shiz! I hope you are okay. Next time jsut - relather for crying out loud.

I hear Vodka does the trick.

Lamp Tramp said...

Oh, be careful! You are NOT an Old lady but get it checked. I am an old lady and can tell so many stories...all because of Katrina. Not to scare you but one of my Katrina falls...I was stepping off a stepladder with my (ya, old lady) bifocals on, cement floor, removing items off a shelf..bifocals tricked me and I fell on left elbow holding my beautiful nativity porcelin figures. Long story, I'll email you the rest. But my point is, it can be very dangerous and debilatating if you don't get it checked out. Silly me, thought nothing was wrong, ending up having huge problems. Keep in touch with me, please!

Lamp Tramp said...

What is a netti pot?

Monica said...

Dude, I broke my ankle in freaking DECEMBER and it still isn't healed. I hate getting old!!

I got a kick out of those EB pictures w/ the chocolate...that is totally something that would happen here. Your kids will love that picture later on.

k e r r y said...

ow is right! hope you are feeling better... if not go see the doctor!

Preppy Lizard said...

OUCH!!! Hope you are starting to feel better and it's just a bad bruise and nothign more.

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

Um, where are you? Is it the shoulder? Everything ok???

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I am sorry! Feel better soon!