Monday, March 10, 2008

False Popularity

I looked at my map tracker thing that tells you how many people have checked out your blog and where they are in the world. And I thought to myself "holy crap, I'm popular."

Then I looked at Ashley's Closet for the fifteenth time today and noticed that she linked me in one of her posts because I had left her a comment inquiring about her possible drug inspired ambitious undertakings. Now I realize that really it's just all of Ashley's readers clicking on this link.

So thanks Ashley for the fleeting brief but lovely false feeling of popularity. It was great while it lasted. But maybe it's better this way. I don't know if I could take the pressure of really being popular. I'm a quitter by nature. So sooner or later I would fold under the weight of expectations.

Thanks for the memories. Maybe I'll print out today's list and show it to my kids one day so they can feel proud of me for something.


Caffeine Court said...

This is how you find out the keywords used to find you.

First sign up for Google Analytics.

Then check out reports, under reports hit traffic sources, finally hit keywords and prepare to be shocked!

k e r r y said...

you are popular!

Lamp Tramp said...

Hey, I'm just an old lady, but the way I see it...if someone is kind and caring enough to leave a comment on your blog...then one needs to return the curtesy. I enjoy your site and love to read what you kids are up to. You are so funny and I can relate to so many issues that all Moms go through! Do all comment sites have the word verification? To me that is an issue, I don't leave a comment because of that damned word verification! I will ask about it... maybe my blog does it. I don not know!

Southern Fried Mom said...

You are popular! I added you to my blogroll because I linked to you from Ashley & anybody with fabulous bunco snack ideas is a good friend to have. (I'm already deciding what to do when I host in August...)

colorbox said...

Your cheeky wit won me over :)

"I'll print it out for my kids..."
it's hilarious even if you don't do it.

popularity is always fleeting. having other people recognize you as a decent human being (and a funny one at that) endure.